VI International Meeting of Researchers in Immigration and Asylum Law, Valencia, 14 –15 June 2012

by | 14 May 2012

VI International Meeting of Researchers in Immigration and Asylum Law will take place from 14th to 15th June at the University of Valencia, tackling the initiative of several researchers and lecturers who have focused on the study and the critical analysis of legal issues on migration and asylum.

Successive meetings have been held at different Universities, such as: Barcelona, Girona, Comillas and Huelva, consolidating a collaborative network and scientific exchange between specialists on Migration and Asylum Law in different universities, located in Spanish and abroad. Therefore, in order to foster a scientific debate on issues regarding migration and asylum, taking into account the implementation of the Stockholm Programme (2010-2014), the Human Rights Institute of the University of Valencia organizes this sixth meeting.

On this occasion, besides the consolidated group of researchers who have met regularly in the previous conferences, international jurists and specialists will participate in this issue. Among them, Thomas Spijkerboer, Paul Santolaya, Aurelia Álvarez, Sergio Carrera, Yves Pacouau, Steven Peers, Gyulai Gabor, Mary Teresa Gil-Bazo and Javier De Lucas. The main proposal of this event is to foster scientific discussion and to exchange views on those matters, giving the opportunity to young researchers to involve on these meetings. Finally, the aim is to redress the need to reflect the scope and the impact of the integration and equal rights, within a framework of legal and policy review in the multilevel management model of immigration and asylum in the European Union in general, and particularly in Spain.


VI international Meeting of Researchers in Immigration and Asylum Law
Institute of Human Rights, University of Valencia.
Faculty of Law, Salón de Grados
Valencia, 14 –15 June 2012.

14th June 2012, Thursday,

9.00-9.30h. Opening remarks
Director. Institute of Human Rights. University of Valencia. Professor Consuelo Ramón
Dean Faculty of Law. University of Valencia Professor María Elena Olmos Ortega
Director of Meeting. Professor Ángeles Solanes Corella

First session

9.30-13-30 Panel I: Migration Law in the European Union

Professor Ángeles Solanes Corella. Institute of Human Rights. University of Valencia.

Inaugural conferences

Developments and challenges in Institutional framework for EU Migration Law: a review
Steve Peers
. Professor School of Law, University of Essex

Human rights and Migration Law inside and outside the EU borders
Yves Pascouau Senior Policy Analyst European Policy Centre

A balanced perspective of integration policies in the European Union
Sergio Carrera Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Justice and Home Affairs Programme, CEPS

Comments: Mariona Illamola Dausa , David Moya Malapeira, Paula García Andrade, Sara Iglesias Sánchez

Second session

17:00–19:30 Panel II: Asylum Law in European Union

Professor José García Añón. Institute of Human Rights. University of Valencia.

Sexual orientation, gender identity and asylum
Thomas Spijkerboer, Professor of Migration Law, Migration and Diversity Centre, VU University Amsterdam

“Harmonization illusory? – The effect of the ECJ’s jurisprudence on asylum.”
Gábor Gyulai Coordinator. Asylum Area Hungarian Helsinki Committee.

Comments: Silvia Morgades Gil. Irene Claro Quintans, Victor Merino Sancho.

15th June 2012, Friday

Third session

9.00–13.30 Panel III: Selected Issues on Immigration and Asylum in Spain

Professor María José Añón Roig. Institute of Human Rights. University of Valencia.

The voting rights of immigrants in Spain: a point of arrival and departure
Pablo Santolaya Machetti. Professor Constitutional Law. University of Alacalá de Henares.

10 key points about the Spanish Immigration Law
Aurelia Álvarez Rodríguez. Professor International private Law. University of León

“Spanish Legislation in the light of International and EU Law in Historical Perspective”
María Teresa Gil-Bazo. Director of postgraduate research, Newcastle Law School. Newcastle University

Comments: Nuria Arenas, Camino Vidal Fuello, Diego Boza Martínez, Sonia García Vázquez, Encarnación La Spina, Francina Esteve García, Diana Marín Consarnau.

Fourth session:

16.00-17.30 Paper discussion

17.30-18.00 Half-time

18.00-19.00. Closing conference

Overcoming borders in the context of European immigration and asylum

Professor Javier de Lucas Martín. Director Collège d’Espagne. Institute of Human Rights. University of Valencia.

Contact Info:

Telephone: 961625417 / 961625418 / 961625319
Official Website:



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