Convergence on Activism & Research Ethics, 30 June 2012, London

by | 9 Jun 2012

Occupy Research Collective Convergence (ORCC): Activism & Research Ethics

10:00-17:00 Saturday June 30th – Pearson Building, University College London, Bloomsbury, London, WC1E 6BT (enter from Gower Street).

See here for directions.

  • Are you researching Occupy or contemporary social movements?
  • Are you involved in Occupy or other forms of activism?
  • Are you interested in using research to take action towards creating other possible worlds?
  • Are you keen on research which respects activism?

This one day convergence will focus on the ethics of researching within-and-beyond the Occupy movement. We would like this to be the beginning of an ongoing conversation about the ways in which research can complement, inform, challenge and present social movements and radical politics.

This convergence aims to provide an open space in which to share ideas about the ethics of Occupy, activism and research. The agenda is fluid and will be finalised collectively at the start of the day, but themes might include:

  • The ethics of Occupy and the role of critique in activism.
  • Activism & institutional relationships; within and against the neoliberal university.
  • Consensually researching consensus-based movements; research for/research about; approaching (re)presentation.
  • Participatory methodology; research dissemination and freedom of access; radical publishing; militant research; collaboration and mutual aid in research.

This Convergence is being organised by the Occupy Research Collective. We are an open network of activist-researchers working within and around the Occupy movement. We aim to bring together a broad variety of research and researchers, from students and academics, to social and community researchers working outside academia, to unofficial researchers – anyone interested in thinking and doing research for the sake of activism, knowledge or other purposes. We want to experiment with alternative, collective ways of doing, disseminating and collaborating on research and publishing, helping to counter the increasing neoliberalisation of the university and research environment, and finding new ways to support each other as radical researchers.

In the meantime please join the email list (below) to start sharing and discussing readings. If you have any questions, you can contact us:

By email:
At our website:
And by joining our mailing list, at:

Please distribute this call out widely through your friends, colleagues, activist networks, or university (ask your school admin to forward it to all students!).


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