Today (12/3) Warwick Summit on Protest

by | 12 Mar 2015


The summit, organised by Warwick Law School’s Centre of Human Rights in Practice in the wake of police brutality on campus, will be held in the Arts Centre Cinema today, 12 March between 4-6pm. Speakers will include the University Vice Chancellor, Nigel Thrift, Registrar Ken Sloan, Coventry Police commander Chief Superintendent Claire Bell, Student Union President Cat Turhan, and representatives of ‘Warwick for Free Education’.

The Centre have now completed a review of the Warwick survey on protest. The review is available here, and a pdf of all responses here. The first half of the summit will be devoted to giving each speaker an opportunity to respond to issues raised by the survey, the second half will be devoted to questions from the floor.

The Summit will be simultaneously videoed so that all who are not able to attend can watch the event.

We hope at Critical Legal Thinking to bring you access to this video. Watch this space.

1 Comment

  1. I emailed my MP, Peter Luff,after seeing the press release on the morning it happened. I was disgusted at the way the police handled the situation and full support the students right to protest peacefully.
    I am still awaiting a reply or acknowledgement to my email.
    I am the usual 60 year old past conservative voter for 35 years with two sons having gone to uni.
    Glad to say i do not vote conservative anymore.
    What has happened about the actions the police took? I hope that
    The police have at least taken taken action against the officer who sprayed the gas ,as he was clearly out of control .


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