Seminar: Critique of Law and Law of Critique, EALT, Goethe University Frankfurt, 25 January 2016

by | 19 Jan 2016

Within the framework of the European Academy of Legal Theory hosted by the Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, this is an open invitation to an introductory seminar on critical legal theory.


Critique of Law and Law of Critique

Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
25 January 2016 (14.15 – 17.00)

Convened by Dr Gilbert Leung

From Socrates to Freud and from Kant to Kafka, there is (at least) one thing in common to which they all bear witness, namely, where there is (‘human’) law, there is the possibility of juridical critique. Yet the question of critique is not as simple, straightforward, or unproblematic as it may first seem.

This seminar aims at introducing the question of critique in its relation to law. We shall begin by briefly highlighting some of the frameworks of critique employed by contemporary mainstream and critical legal studies. We shall then consider more generally the origin and meaning of critique, its relationship to thinking, and in a more advanced way, consider the paradoxical juridical structure of critique itself. Finally, we shall consider the significant ethical and political stakes involved in ‘being critical’.

The seminar will (hopefully) help attendees develop a stronger critical compass, invaluable not only for navigating future research but for orienting themselves on the ocean of theoretical perspectives.

The seminar is free and open to the public. Due to limited space, please register your attendance via the following contact form. Room to be confirmed. Any general enquiries also welcome:

[si-contact-form form=’4′]

The European Academy of Legal Theory/Académie européenne de théorie du droit (EALT) is a network and platform of academic institutions, researchers, and legal practitioners collaborating in the promulgation and advancement of research and teaching in legal theory and their interrelations with legal practice. It forms a main platform for the exchange of legal theory education and legal practice in Europe. The EALT offers a one-year (60 ECTS) advanced Master’s Course in Legal Theory hosted at the Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main. More information can be found here:



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