Kent Critical Law Society Annual Conference 2019
Saturday 16th March
Grimmond, University of Kent
“Division, Difference and Democracy”
Call for Papers
Kent Critical Law Society (KCLS) is a student law organization, which promotes the aims of critical legal studies and critical legal thought. Our annual flagship event, the Critical Law Conference, attracts academics, practitioners, and students from across the UK and abroad. This year’s conference seeks to explore themes of “Division, Difference and Democracy” and their relationship with the law.
We presently face a volatile political atmosphere, both within and between nations. Now more than ever, we are witnessing division of a destructive nature spanning a range of vital issues: social disparity, economic injustice and environmental crisis. These trends are challenging our theoretical and political understanding of democracy; while at the same time, posing evermore complex questions as to how and whether democracy can overcome these divisions.
We welcome proposals for papers from students of all stages (undergraduate and postgraduate). We have provided below a non-exhaustive list of themes for discussion, and we welcome and encourage interdisciplinary papers.
- Brexit & the European Union
- The Rising Right Wing vs The Fighting Left Wing
- Global Divergence
- Adaptation to Crisis
- Law & Social Change
- Law & Economy
- Gender, Sexuality & Law
- Race, Religion & Law
- Human Rights & Progress
- Criminal Law & Criminal Justice
- Technological Advancement, Power & Law
- Immigration & Asylum
- Environmental Law & Climate Change
- Mental Health Law
- Legal Philosophy
- Legal History
- Division & Time, Old vs New
- Properties of Difference, Public vs Private
- Reading Law through Literature
- Employment & Labour
- Equity
- Media Law, the Social & the Anti-social
In addition to student papers, we will also be hosting keynote sessions (keynote speakers TBA). There will be a small conference fee to cover costs, refreshments and lunch. A limited amount of funding will be available to subsidise travel to the University of Kent from within the UK – KCLS relies on a small amount of funding and cannot guarantee it will cover all costs, but will strive to accommodate speakers’ needs where necessary.
Applicants are invited to send a 250 word abstract together with a short biography to The deadline for abstracts is Monday 21 January 2019.
Any further enquiries can be emailed to us at