Ari Hirvonen

Ari Hirvonen is Pro­fessor in Jur­is­pru­dence, Fac­ulty of Law, Uni­ver­sity of Hel­sinki, Finland.
No Future: Punk Against the Boredom of the Law

No Future: Punk Against the Boredom of the Law

Punk is ... the transgressive politics of boredomIn Memoriam: Ari Hirvonen a.k.a. Sally Flesh (1960 – 2021) This article was initially published in three parts for a series on Punk, Law, Resistance in CLT in 2011. Pawn in their game And that's the way they try and run...

Refugee Struggles: From Helsinki to Paris

Refugee Struggles: From Helsinki to Paris

Even if refugees have lost their political community, their “society of equals” comprising “reciprocity and commonness” and “mutual agreements and promises,” as Hannah Arendt says, they are able to become and act as political subjects.Hannah Arendt (2005), The...