Human rights need to be released from the confinements of whiteness and sexism. In a debate that took place in 1993 about the “reinvention of the left”, Tariq Modood highlighted that ethnic diversity and racial equality were new challenges for the left and thus, also,...
César Augusto Baldi
Our North is the South: A New Human Rights Agenda?
It has become more or less acceptable in the critical field, when working with contributions from Latin America, to use the map created by the Uruguayan Joaquín García in 1943 that shows the South facing upwards. It is not often recalled that, already in 1154, Al...
Lessons from Gaza: Human Rights (2009/2014)
According to UN Human Rights High Commissioner, Navi Pillay, "there appears to be a deliberate defiance on the part of Israel in complying with its international obligations. We should not allow this kind of impunity. We should not allow this to go uninvestigated, or...
Decolonizing the Teaching of Human Rights?
According to the new Bolivian constitution, education is "one of the most important functions and primary financial responsibilities of the State”; it is “unitary, public, universal, democratic, participatory, communitarian, decolonizing and of quality” (art. 78, I);...
Sumak Kawsay, Interculturality and Decolonialization
Many commentators have been highlighting the novelty of the Ecuadorian constitution’s recognition of the right to nature and even the concepts of buen vivir and sumak kawsay (‘good living’ in Spanish and Quechua respectively), analyzing them as though they were simple...
New Latin American Constitutionalism: Challenging Eurocentrism & Decolonizing History
In the year in which the Colombian constitution celebrates its 20th anniversary, the topic of new Latin American constitutionalism seems to have been gathering significant attention. But there are, specifically, notable divergences over its characterization and...