Illan rua Wall

Lecturer in Law, University of Galway; Honorary Professorial Fellow, University of Warwick
The Rupture of the New: Struggles for the Human

The Rupture of the New: Struggles for the Human

Human rights rise to geopolitical significance in the 1980s and 90s, and since then we have seen important waves of  Marxist, poststructuralist, postcolonial and feminist critiques. At particular moments we see fresh texts setting new agendas, creating new directions...

The Sense of Public Order

The Sense of Public Order

With the widespread social unrest unfolding in the USA following the police murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, we are once again confronted by the horrifying exceptionality of public order enforcement. The problem, however, is that we understand the videos of...

Critique in times of Corona

Critique in times of Corona

Over the last few weeks we have received a large number of pieces on the pandemic, so we have decided to publish a small selection of them over the next few days, and then to continue to publish them as they arrive. In the past we would have called this intense blog...

New Police powers aimed at #ExtinctionRebellion?

New Police powers aimed at #ExtinctionRebellion?

The Metropolitan Police force have requested greater powers to deal with the threat of #ExtinctionRebellion. The exact details of the request are unclear, but some of the proposals have begun to emerge. And they are couched in what may be politely be called ‘utter...

Fee Strike

Fee Strike

The University and College Union (UCU) is going on strike. Following the refusal of the employer’s association (Universities UK – the UUK) to negotiate on their proposed cut to pensions, the UCU balloted members and 88% voted in favour of strike action. Barring a...

Critical Bibliographies: Human Rights

Critical Bibliographies: Human Rights

We regularly get requests from students and activists looking for suggested readings on particular topics, so I thought it might be a good idea to supplement our critical concepts page with critical bibliographies on various important subjects for critical legal...

The Atmosphere of Revolution?

The Atmosphere of Revolution?

I want to follow up on a post from last year about the general strike, using the idea of silence as that which binds it together in its negativity (or catastrophe as Sorel would say). As I reread that piece for a book that I’m trying to write about crowds, I realised...

The Infinity of the Silent Strike

The Infinity of the Silent Strike

We know from Burke that it is the noise of the crowd or throng which leads to the expe­ri­ence of the sub­lime. The cacoph­ony of the many, gath­ered in their dis­charged state, draws us like a mag­net. But the crowd in strike has a num­ber of very dif­fer­ent...

Civilisation & the Savage Crowd

Civilisation & the Savage Crowd

Any­one famil­iar with ‘crowd the­ory’ will have been told repeat­edly that Gus­tave Le Bon is an ori­gin. This asser­tion is quickly masked by obfus­ca­tion. He is not a first, of course, pre­ceded by the his­to­rian Taine and the early crim­i­nol­o­gists Lom­broso...

The Open Crowd & The Kettle

The Open Crowd & The Kettle

Elias Canetti’s Crowds and Power pro­vides a use­ful start­ing point for this project. In it, he iden­ti­fies a wide num­ber of dif­fer­ent crowds. They are deter­mined by the tem­po­ral­ity of their aims, the space in which they man­i­fest them­selves, the...

About ‘Crowded Sovereignty’

About ‘Crowded Sovereignty’

The crowd is not a technology or a subject of sovereignty. It is neither the ‘agent’ who could take, create or destroy sovereignty; nor a ‘means’ for others to become sovereign. The crowd is remarkable because of its prevalence and excision. It is often there in those...

Counterpress and Critical Legal Strategy

Counterpress and Critical Legal Strategy

In 2007, Daniel Bensaïd suggested that we turn to the question of strategy. Traditionally, strategy is distinguished from tactics. Where strategy is the ‘use of engagement to obtain the plan of war’ in von Clausewitz, tactics are the short term acts which win battles....

Notes on the Theology of Constituent Power

Notes on the Theology of Constituent Power

In its traditional conception, the constituent is a power that constitutes and reconstitutes the state. This is a dangerous, though important salve for the problem of corruption in the body politic. The people or their representatives may overthrow the constituted...

The Irish Crisis: Europe Colonises Itself

The Irish Crisis: Europe Colonises Itself

In a recent brief exchange between Oscar Guardiola Rivera and Walter Mignolo, responding to an impossibly broad question about Europe’s current crisis, Guardiola Rivera quipped that Europe was colonising itself. Just think, he said, of the racialisation of Greek,...

The Irish Crisis

The Irish Crisis

In recent months the Irish crisis has disappeared from the international news. But that has not stopped the crushing cuts. Last sunday night the Taoiseach (the leader of the executive) addressed the nation. On monday and tuesday, an exceptional two-day budget was...

Violence at the Edge: Tottenham, Athens, Paris

Violence at the Edge: Tottenham, Athens, Paris

Few are willing to make comparisons between this past year’s radical political activity – from the student protests to the major TUC demonstration – and the Tottenham riots. The reasons for this are fairly obvious: there is no unifying political goal of these...

Anger and Indignation in Ireland, Greece & Tunisia

Anger and Indignation in Ireland, Greece & Tunisia

Politics is back on the streets of Europe, that much is clear. The PIGS are striking back. Portugal, Ireland Greece and Spain. Except that’s not quite right. I will address the failure of Irish radicalism and contrast that with Greece and Tunisia, in order to begin to...

Libyan War and Revolution – Unity & Multiplicity

Libyan War and Revolution – Unity & Multiplicity

The war that has been escalated in Libya over the last week is not the same as the revolt that gripped the country months ago. Even today in Benghazi there are two orders – war and revolt – at work, but the logic of war is destroying the multiplicity of a revolution....

Zizek on Equity & Trusts… well almost…

Zizek on Equity & Trusts… well almost…

Equity is something of a problem. Aside from the blatant patriarchy of the Presumption of Advancement or Common Intention Constructive Trusts, it is often a little difficult to smuggle critical (legal) theory into an Equity and Trusts course. A long time ago now,...

Anonymous & the Discourse of Human Rights

Anonymous & the Discourse of Human Rights

In the last months, we have seen the emergence of ‘Anonymous’. In particular, in the days after the widespread attack on Wikileaks (following their publication of leaked US diplomatic memos) they emerged with a fairly credible threat to take down major global internet...

The Irish Catastrophe: BudgetJam

The Irish Catastrophe: BudgetJam

For excellent coverage of the Irish Bailout-Budget, please keep an eye to BudgetJam over on  Here is their introduction to a week of blogging: On Wednesday 24 of November we learnt that "Securing Ireland's Future" involves cuts to the minimum wage and a...

An Introduction: Legal Surrealism

An Introduction: Legal Surrealism

We thought it might be an interesting idea of post a number of texts of a legal surrealism. We will publish a series of texts from and on the juridical writings of surrealism. As a jurisprudence it has, essentially, been written out of the canon. However, if time is...