Elena Loizidou

Elena Loizidou is a Reader in Law and Political Theory at the School of Law, Birkbeck, University of London.
The desire to escape that is not escapism

The desire to escape that is not escapism

The Stage When Hegel wrote the Phenomenology of Spirit (2004) in 1807, he had one thing in mind. He wanted to provide an accurate philosophical and scientific process through which the mind comes to acquire knowledge of oneself and the world. Hegel, like Kant and...

Humour, Security and the Stansted 15

Humour, Security and the Stansted 15

‘Humour is not resigned; it is rebellious.’ Sigmund Freud ‘Humour’ On 28 March 2017, activists known as the ‘Stansted 15’ obstructed a charter airplane, preventing it from taking deportees back to their countries of birth. The Stansted...

Strike for the Present, Perhaps This Is All There Is

Strike for the Present, Perhaps This Is All There Is

José Saramago’s Death at Intervals (2008) tells the story of Death going on Strike. In Saramago’s imagined country ‘since the beginning of the new year, or more precisely since zero hours of the first day of January’ that there is ‘no record of anyone dying’ (2008:3)....

Disobedience Workshop

Disobedience Workshop

20 – 21 May 2011 Birkbeck College, University of London Malet Street, Rooms G15 & 416 For reservation please contact V.kelley@bbk.ac.uk Friday 20 May Malet street, G15 11.00 – 11.15 Welcome & Tea/Coffee (Elena Loizidou) 11.15 – 1.00 Session 1: Chair: Carolina...

Scattered Thoughts on Streets, Demands and Revolution

Scattered Thoughts on Streets, Demands and Revolution

‘Demand the Impossible’ is documented as being one part of a slogan graffitied during the French student revolt of 1968. I got to know it via Peter Marshall’s Demanding the Impossible: A history of Anarchism (1993).  Along with this fragmentary graffiti the song from...