What you can do to support them:
1. Email messages of support to UCLoccupation@gmail.com – remember to let us know if we can use them on our blog, anonymously or with your name
2. Tweet support to twitter.com/ucloccupation
3. Visit us! The occupation is currently (Thurs PM) open to all to come and go freely. Come and show your support, have a chat and join in
4. Take a photo of yourself with a message of support and email it to us – ucloccupation@gmail.com. STAFF – how about using ‘Staff Support Student Struggle’?
5. Sign our petition at tiny.cc/uclpetition and pass it on!
6. Take a motion of support to your union branch or student union – see the great example from UCL UCU here – please adapt as you wish, and let us know