Summer School in Post-International Politics: Gregynog Ideas Lab

by | 2 Nov 2011

Gregynog, Wales: 9-14 July 2012

The inaugural Gregynog Ideas Lab’s Summer School in PostInternational Politics will take place 9-14 July, 2012. The Summer School will provide a unique opportunity for graduate students and academics to return to key texts and thinkers from critical, postcolonial, feminist, post-structural and psychoanalytic traditions, to re-examine their work and how it has been employed in international politics, and to ask whether the radical potential of this work is in danger of being lost.

A series of lectures and seminars by guest professors who are key figures in the field will be combined with discussion groups—formal and informal—based on assigned pre-readings. Held in the unique surroundings of Gregynog Hall, the Summer School offers a week of intensive immersion in this thought for those new to the field or isolated in their own institutions in a supportive and friendly residential environment.

Our guest professors will be:

o Richard K Ashley

o Diana Coole

o Jenny Edkins

o Naeem Inayatullah

o Louiza Odysseos (tbc)

o Mustapha Pasha

o Michael J Shapiro

o Maria Stern

o R.B.J. Walker

o Marysia Zalewski

o Maja Zehfuss

For more information about the event and on how to apply please visit:


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