Gregynog Ideas Lab II: Summer School in PostInternational Politics, Gregynog, Wales 15 – 20 July 2013

by | 5 Dec 2012

We are delighted to announce that bookings are open for the second Gregynog Ideas Lab to be held from 15 – 20 July 2013. This Summer School in PostInternational Politics ran for the first time last year and was a resounding success. Participants found it “a great thinking space,” “intellectually rewarding and stimulating,” with “a friendly, non-competitive mood, friendly and helpful lecturers, interesting topics.” One participant summed it up as “absolutely amazing: great diversity of activities, ideal number of participants, perfect location.”

Whilst many participants urged us not to change a thing, we are planning some innovations to make the event even greater, without changing what made it so wonderful for all concerned: there will still be a combination of plenaries, guest professor seminars, and one-to-one research surgeries over the five days, alongside great food–including the barbeque and bar—and plenty of space for conversations. Advanced methods training will be a key part of the programme, and there will be opportunities for participants to present their work if they wish. We have secured seven of our original guest professors who have promised to return: Rick Ashley, Elizabeth Dauphinee, Jenny Edkins, Himadeep Muppidi, Mike Shapiro, Rob Walker, Maja Zehfuss, and one new recruit: Naeem Inayatullah. The event again takes place at Gregynog Hall near Newtown in Wales: a marvellous, quirky country house that we completely take over for the week. Cost includes full board and accommodation, plus all sessions.

The booking form and further details are available on our website; bookings are open now. An ‘early bird rate is available for bookings before 13 December 2012, and a two-installment payment option for booking received before 10 January 2013. It is first come first served, and we anticipate enormous interest, so act quickly! The summer school is open to national and international students and academics. The minimum requirement is that prospective participants should be currently carrying out, or have carried out, graduate research.

For more information or advice email We look forward to hearing from you!

Best wishes,
Jenny Edkins, Tom Lundborg, Nick Vaughan-Williams, and Andreja Zevnik
Co-organisers, Gregynog Ideas Lab


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