The Primacy of the Ear: Conversations with Gilad Atzmon, 2 May 2013, University of Southampton, UK

by | 8 Apr 2013

Primacy of the Ear

Gilad explores his first encounter with Jazz music and its impact on his ethical and philosophical stand. The talk will explore the medium in which aesthetics is transformed into morality in particular as instantiated in new perspectives on the relations between the Jewish and Zionist questions.

I realized that I have given up on the primacy of the eye and reverted to the primacy of the ear. I didn’t look for an inspiration in the manuscript, in the music notes or the chord symbol. Instead, I was listening to my internal voice. Struggling with Arabic music reminded me why I did start to play music in the first place. At the end of the day, I heard Charlie Bird Parker in the radio rather seeing him on MTV. []

Gilad Atzmon is an internationally acclaimed jazz artist, novelist and political commentator. His novels ‘Guide to the perplexed’ and ‘My One And Only Love’ have been translated into 24 languages. Gilad’s latest book ‘The Wandering Who? A Study of Jewish Identity Politics’ is translated into 10 languages and was  praised by some of the leading humanists and academics  of our time. Atzmon is a member of the legendary Blockheads, he also fronts the Orient House Ensemble.

Date: Thursday 2nd May
Time: 1800-2000
Place: Maths Building (Building 54), Lecture Theatre (room 4011), University of Southampton, Highfield Campus.
Contact: Oren Ben-Dor, Law School, Southampton University.


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