CfP: Intercultural Talks in the Global South: Decolonization, Law and Politics in Debate, Brazil 17–21 November 2014

by | 18 Sep 2014


Intercultural Talks in the Global South: Decolonization, Law and Politics in Debate in debate intends to be a space to encourage the academic community and public in general to discuss specific problems of the global South, especially in Africa and Latin America, from the decolonial theoretical framework.

The decolonial theoretical framework points to a colonialism that is still present not only in the political, social and economic relations, but especially in the way one constructs and adheres to knowledge. It therefore assumes that colonialism is not an outdated phenomenon of the historical past, but a contemporary mark that remains repressed.

This theoretical perspective has acquired academic relevance in recent decades because it proposes a break with the dominant ways of understanding and relating to the world, claiming the need for a decolonization process at different levels. For this reason, it implies epistemic disobedience: on the one hand, to challenge the hegemony of the great narratives of modernity; on the other, to question the frontiers of systems of thought to make way for new possibilities in non-Eurocentric thinking.

Regarding relations and specific problems of the South, post- and decolonial studies have much to contribute because this is an area where knowledge production is still largely restricted to the Eurocentric paradigm. What is typical is the reproduction of a logic of epistemic dependence that makes it difficult to build authentic discourses of legitimation of peculiar demands, and to valorise cultural experiences and knowledge. Epistemic dependence also stimulates the perpetuation of exclusion, violent conflicts and discrimination.

Gathering researchers from and/or interested in Global South epistemologies, we expect to enrich the dialogue with diverse perspectives and experiences, creating a research network that integrates them and encourage this discussion in many different areas and locations.

Fo further information and details on submission of papers, please refer to the dedicated website:


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