The following open letter was sent to Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull and Immigration Minister Peter Dutton. It was signed by 600 refugees who are currently indefinitely imprisoned in the detention centre pursuant to Australia’s ‘Operation Sovereign Borders’.
Hello Dear Mr Malcolm Turnbull and Peter Dutton.
As the refugees and asylum seekers trapped in Manus Island detention we wold like to request you something different this time.
As previously we wrote and asked for help and there was no respond to our request to be freed out of detention we realized that there are no differences between us and rubbish but a bunch of slaves that helped to stop the boats by living in hellish condition. The only difference is that we are very costly for the Australian tax payers and the Politicians as our job to “stop the boats” is done.
We would like to give you some recommendations to stop the waste of this huge amount of money ruining Australian’s reputation and to keep the Australian boarders safe forever.
- A navy ship that can put us all on board and dump us all in the ocean. (HMAS is always available)
- A gas chamber (DECMIL will do it with a new contract)
- Injection of a poison. (IHMS will help for this)
This is not a joke or a satire and please take it serious.
We are dying in Manus gradually, every single day we are literarly tortured and traumatized and there is no safe country to offer us protection as DIBP says.
Best regards
Merry Christmas in advance
Manus refugees and asylum seekers.
I am sickened and appalled by the levels of inhumanity demonstrated by the wealthiest nations to those in desperate need…