Call on the UCU national leadership to reconsider its position reached in ACAS negotiations with UUK on the 12th March 2018.
The current agreement kicks a serious solution to the pension dispute in the long grass, committing to a three year process of re-evaluation. It further does so at the very moment we are strongest and able to force a more decisive victory.
The employers’ valuation has been demonstrated to be bogus, yet the UCU leadership is now accepting to increase our contribution while we re-evaluate. Employers’ contribution however will rise by only 1.3%.
In three years time we will be demobilised and pressured to accept a worse deal. In our opinion we should keep going and throw UUK’s offer out all together.
Furthermore, the UCU is effectively calling on us to both reschedule as well as calling off the action before having put it to the membership, two positions that are absolutely unacceptable.
In solidarity,
Over 7,000 people have signed so far! See the list of signatories:
Link to the UCU/UUK agreement for those who haven’t seen it: