We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the Critical Legal Conference 2018: Regeneration at The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK from 6-8th September 2018 (doctoral workshop on afternoon of 5th September).
Registration is through Eventbrite and you can find a link to register, as well as the Call for papers and panels and other conference details on the Conference webpage.
The Call for Papers and Panels will close at midnight on 31 July 2018. Registration will close at midday on Monday 6th August 2018 Tuesday 28 August.
If you are a doctoral student and wish to attend the doctoral workshop on 5th September, please register for a free doctoral workshop ticket in addition to your main conference ticket.
Please do circulate this information among interested colleagues.
Best wishes
CLC2018 Committee
“I always thought eternity would look like Milton Keynes”
J G Ballard