CfP: What is Real about Law and Technology

by | 19 Jun 2019

In 2018 both Bruno Latour and Giorgio Agamben published books addressing the epistemological crisis. Climate skepticism, false news and social media echo chambers have led to a profound, divisive and ugly politicisation of knowledge in the West. Latour and Agamben both chart this process and attempt to establish some sort of ‘real’ upon which consensuses and collective constructive action can be grounded. This workshop and symposium draws inspiration from Latour and Agamben to examine the real of law and technology. Law and technology are both actors within the epistemological crisis and also the crisis is influencing knowledge about law and technology. This workshop and symposium welcomes and encourages scholarship that:

  • Considers how law and technology has contributed to the crisis – for example the laws of free speech as imagined and practiced in the infosphere;
  • Considers how the crisis of knowledge is affecting the cultural imaginary of, and confidence in, the present political class’ response to future change;
  • Examines the roles of disciplinary and political elites in knowledge production and destruction;
  • Engages creatively and critically with the legacy of Latour, Agamben and other scholars of law and technology on the logic, ethics, aesthetics and politics of the present;
  • Performs feminist, critical, queer and techno-humanist critiques of law and technology

Reflects on the ontological presumptions, epistemological commitments and methodological predispositions of law and technology.


The Workshop will be held 9 December 2019 at the Gardens Point Campus of the Queensland University of Technology.

The keynote presenter is Professor David Caudill, Villanova Law School.

Stipends are available to assist presenters attending the workshop.


The Symposium will be published in Vol 2 of the Law, Technology and Humans in 2020. Manuscripts to be considered for inclusion in the Symposium must be submitted by 29 February 2020. The guest editors of the symposium are Professor Charles Lawson and Dr Edwin Bikundo.


Interested contributors are invited to discuss their proposal with the General Editor, Professor Kieran Tranter:


Law, Technology and Humansis an innovative open access journal that encourages research and scholarship on the human and humanity of law and technology. It is sponsored by the Faculty of Law, Queensland University of Technology, Australia and is advised by a leading International Editorial Board. More about the journal is available at


Manuscripts should be submitted via


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