This stream aims to gather academics, graduate students and activists with an interest in immigration law and policy, asylum and refugee law (as well as refugee and migration studies more generally) in order to inaugurate a discussion on legal provisions and forms and practices of critique with, without or against the law.
The stream calls for papers on any of the indicative topics listed below and beyond:
- Immigration Enforcement, Detention, Refugee Camps, Deportation and resistance.
- Capitalism & Human Waste production in the time of perpetual crises
- Criminalization, Privatization and Militarization
- Theories of Movement Controls and the Society of Control
- Internally Displaced Persons & Environmentally Displaced Persons: Current and future perspectives
- Critical analyses of legislation and policy
Stream Organizers/Chairs: Dr Thanos Zartaloudis (Birkbeck College, University of London) & Prof Satvinder Juss (King’s College London)