Paul Klee, Hauptweg und Nebenwege, 1929, oil on canvas, 83,7 x 67,5 cm, Museum Ludwig 1976. The whole thing is truly barbarism, and triumphs as such even over its own barbaric spirit. — Theodor W. Adorno Adorno’s use of the term “barbarism” has probably been most...
Anna-Verena Nosthoff
Equaliberty: Notes on the Thought of Étienne Balibar
Day and Night, MC Escher, woodcut 1938 It could be asserted that the spectre of Equaliberty (Égaliberté) has haunted Étienne Balibar’s work for decades. Early connotations avant-la-lettre can be found in his concept of citizenship as ‘temporary equilibrium’ (Balibar...