“We need Covid Trials. In an international court,” is Arundhati Roy’s “post-lockdown reverie”. She wants the Indian government to be held accountable for its treatment of migrant workers as refuse and the ongoing assault on the civil rights of dissenters in the wake...
Oishik Sircar
CfP: “Left” in the Dark? Postcolonial Conversations on Law, Neoliberalism and Queer-Feminist Futures, Jindal Global Law School, Conference 15–18 October 2014
Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat & NEW DELHI, India www.jgu.edu.in/leftinthedark2014 “In the dark times will there also be singing? Yes, there will also be singing about the dark times.” — Bertolt Brecht “Where should we go after...